What is the Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research?

The Collaborative for Multilingual Writing and Research 
(CMWR) is a group of peer writing tutors from DePaul’s University Center for Writing-based Learning who are committed to helping multilingual writers and highlighting their experiences by providing venues for members of DePaul’s growing multilingual community to further their language skills through conversation, writing, and events. The CMWR defines the multilingual writing community as those individuals who write in more than one language as well as those who are invested in exploring linguistic diversity within the University. In both theory and practice, the CMWR helps the UCWbL to appreciate the dignity of each person by recognizing “the diversity of our community members.”

Information about the CMWR’s members can be found on our staff page.

Why did we start Tellus?

In previous years, the CMWR was home to the publication Global Voices (2010-2018), which aimed to further conversations around language and culture that come up in tutoring work. The goal of this publication was to showcase the work of multilingual and multicultural communities at DePaul. With the same goal in mind, Tellus expands on this idea to include the broader definition of multilingual that the CMWR’s mission statement includes. The goal of Tellus is to showcase the work of a larger multilingual and multicultural community while still furthering conversations around language and culture. The first publication of Tellus debuted in June of 2020 and will be published every spring.

Who do we work with?

Tellus partners with Fourteen East and their bilingual publication Pueblo, which features creative works, news articles, and political commentary about DePaul and the city of Chicago written by Latinx journalists from DePaul. In Tellus, it is noted which works were generously provided by Pueblo at Fourteen East as they have partnered with the CMWR to cross publish some of their creative submissions in Tellus as well as in Pueblo.